De beste fotografie opleiding of fotocursus. Photography education for beginners or advanced photographers. Summercourse Photography & Film in Amsterdam from the FOTOfactory



Requirements for the application:
Portfolio: 20 photos; digital or print
Resume or CV, application form. Use to send all of this to us.
We prepared two application forms. Basic is for the students that want to check if they have enough basic knowledge. Advanced form is specifically made for students that want to enroll into YR#02.

Download here: Basic form

Download here: Advanced form

Application Interview: € 0,-

Interview request



Always wanted to study photography in Amsterdam? This is your change. Our application procedure COURSES 24 is now open. If you would like to start in our Full 3 Year Course it is necessary to apply. We will invite you for our (application interview that will take about 30-45 minutes. Of course all free of costs! Evaluating your photographs ( about 20 photos; digital or prints) and getting to know you is very important for us. But also works the other way around of course, you can ask all your questions. Also we will ask you some questions about your camera knowledge, analogue, studio and digital techniques. Why do we have an application procedure? Because we want to make sure that when we start a group the level is sort of the same for all of you. That makes it much more functional for you as a student, same start, same level, same progress.

We planned three online info meetings in May and June. The planned meetings are:
Saturday 25 May from 10.00 am till 10.45
Monday 27 May from 19.00 am till 19.45
Saturday 01 June from 10.00 am till 10.45

To reserve a spot please use this link: Online meeting

When you want to apply send us your portfolio, CV (with link to website), application form (basic or advanced). Only applications that are send by will be reviewed.
During the interview we will also discuss the possibilities; it depends on your level of photography and your wishes.

The interview can take place at the Bethanienstraat but we prefer online [Whatsapp, Insta, Facetime, etc.]. If you prefer an online meeting, please send us a contact request and your socials name. In our header [up] you find all our socials.

To join any other photography or film or digital or analogue Course it is not necessary to apply!!

Application @ the FOTOfactory


To sum up again what we would like to receive from you, when you want to join our F3Y Course and want to skip the Basic Photography Course.

– Show us 20 photos; digital or print
– Send us a text who you are  (preferably a resume or CV)
– The FOTOfactory application form  (basic or advanced)
– 3 preferred time slots and days.

We will review only application packages that are completed in their entirety.

De beste fotografie opleiding of fotocursus. Photography education for beginners or advanced photographers.


Editing your images is a big part of being a photographer, so we consider this also part of the application procedure. Of corse you don’t present a complete project. But just the images you are proud of. And if that’s already a small project that would be great. If you made them by camera or phone is als also irrelevant to us.
We just want to see you and what triggers you. Content, style, mood etc.

So we will not help you with your selection, but we can advise you to show us your favorites. They will show us who you are. Or maybe you already have some projects going on that would be interesting to see. Good luck with your selection!

#1 Photography & Film education. #1 Fotografie en film onderwijs Amsterdam course cursus workshop training


So only needed for the F3Y Course. We have here two links to our application forms. The Basic Form is for students that want to check if they have enough basic knowledge and can skip our Basic photography Course. The Advanced Form is specifically made for students that want to enroll into the second year or our F3Y education. So this one is way more challenging.

Download here: Basic form

Download here: Advanced form

Please make sure that you send the correct form together with your portfolio!

basiscursus beginners cursus beginner fotografie


Good photography doesn’t need a specific camera, but it sure helps to have a good camera. That’s why we advice to buy a full frame D-SLR or a MFT from one of the leading brands. What kind of lenses you will buy in the future is related to your type of photography. But starting just with a 50 mm fixed lens on your manual controllable camera body would already make a good camera lens combination.

De beste fotografie opleiding of fotocursus. Photography education for beginners or advanced photographers.

When you want to join our F3Y Course or single modules it is important that you already have basic photography knowledge. Every potential student has to go through our application procedure. If it would show that you have some knowledge gaps, don’t worry. The easiest way to solve that is by joining our Basic Photography Course. 5Days or just parts of it.

More info


Amsterdam’s appeal lies in its rich cultural heritage, diverse and creative culture, commercial dynamism and high quality of life. Ultimately, the city’s strongest asset is its people: the people who live here, the people who work here, the people who study here, and the people who visit here. Amsterdam residents enjoy a good quality of life. Finding good housing can be a challenge. Ask our help if necessary.

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ABOUT the FOTOfactory

Our Photography and Film courses are already more than 25 Years respected by our students. We helped a lot of people all over the world to start a successful professional career as photographer. International Institute of Photography the FOTOfactory is the most prestigious private educational Institute in the Netherlands, with English or Dutch spoken photography and film courses and workshops. Our students come from all over the world to study photography at different levels. Our courses are presented in a relaxed atmosphere where student involvement is encouraged, feedback is important, and the instructors are always available to answer questions. We teach digital photography, as well as analogue photography. Post-production on a computer or in the darkroom, both is optional. We provide courses or training sessions in small groups or on an individual basis. So develop yourself at the FOTOfactory!
You can book one of our Courses here

OVER the FOTOfactory (dutch)

Of het nu een basiscursus fotografie, studiofotografie training, analoge workshop of een darkroom experience is, bij the FOTOfactory ben je op de juiste plaats. We geven zowel Nederlandse als Engelse trainingen, in groepsverband of 1:1. Meestal zijn onze lessen van 10.00 tot 17.00 uur, volle intensieve dagen waardoor je ook snel progressive maakt. Kun je alleen in de avonduren dan zijn daar ook mogelijkheden voor. Onze docenten zijn gepokt en gemazeld in hun vak en verzorgen al jaren trainingen. Dit draagt bij tot het hoge opleidingsnivo. Gedurende onze driejarige fotografie opleiding F3Y Course, wordt je opgeleid tot een professioneel fotograaf. De eerste twee jaren bestaan uit een curriculum dat voor iedereen hetzelfde is, het laatste en derde jaar is een specialisatie jaar. Tijdens onze opleiding leer je diverse kanten van de fotografie kennen, studiotechniek, camera kennis, conceptuele modefotografie, documentaire fotografie, maar ook kunstgeschiedenis en filmen maakt deel uit van je studie. Je medestudenten komen uit alle landen van de wereld en dat maakt het studeren bij ons nog leuker en beter. Elke cultuur kijkt en evalueert beeld namelijk anders. Omdat er bij ons op school vaak naar je foto’s gekeken wordt en ook veel over gediscussieerd wordt, leer je dus ‘wereld’ fotograaf te denken en werken. Dit geeft je een nog beter fundament in je latere fotografie carriere.

Lees hier meer over onze Nederlandse opleidingen


#1 Photography & Film education. #1 Fotografie en film onderwijs Amsterdam course cursus workshop training


Hello…. Can you introduce yourself? My name is Carlotta Guerra. I am an Italian living in Amsterdam. Having studied art and curatorial studies and working at a major Art museum in Italy for a number of years, my passions lead me to make art rather than organize it and exhibit it. Photography was a life long interest and became the focus for my art.
How long are you studying at Ff? I have studied at the FF for the last two years.
What do you like at the FF? Strong points? Bad points? The technical information stressed at the FF is important to me because it will allow me to properly address any situation I will encounter. I believe the FF has given me the tools to find solutions for future difficulties with my photography. The comraderie and the relations between the students and faculty at the Ff was a benefit to me as well. Many casual conversations between my fellow students lead me to insiteful answers to the problems I encountered.
What kind of photographer would you like to become? I like to make photographs dealing with issues of art and society.
Did it change you to study photography? My study of photography has lead me to research I do not believe I would have done otherwise. In the process of looking for photographs and thinking and thinking about the nuances of associations and metaphors of the images, I believe I have become more sensitive to the subtleties around me.
How do you see your future? I see my future as a person on a quest. My future life with photography, I believe, will take me to places I have never dreamed of going and will enable me to both capture those experiences in a manner that will allow me to both share and profit from them.
Anything you want to add? I wish the FF had a monthly newsletter reporting photo competitions and current happenings in the world of photography.




An advertisement

made by
Juraj Rapos
for the module Photographic Development II
(Second Year) as part of a serie advertisements.

ISO 100 – 1/125 sec – F. 10.0 – 24.0-105.0mm f/4.0 as 70,0mm